The concepts for student housing and a new student center for Andrew Wommack Ministries in Woodland Park, Colorado have been completed. We wanted to share the renderings with all of you….. these will be great projects for a great endeavor, Charis Bible College! Please offer AWMI and Charis Bible College your support. Many Blessings, Andrew and team!!!!
Category Archives: Latest Projects
Prayer Walk – an event in support of The Farmstead at the Quarry
A Prayer Walk will be held Saturday May 30 to pray over and bless the land that will become The Farmstead at the Quarry, where the historic Anderson Farmstead will be saved. This event is coordinated by 360grassroots, a non-profit organization focused on community revitalization. The Walk will start at Vitovsky Elementary School parking lot (333 Church Street) at 9:00am and following prayer over the Farmstead land, will proceed by walking down 9th street to downtown Midlothian, picking up trash along the way in conjunction with Keep Midlothian Beautiful, and ending at Woodrow’s Coffee Shop. Please join us for this time of prayer, fellowship and celebrating community!
Student Housing Design Concepts
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Andrew Wommack Ministries called us to Colorado to generate some quick idea sketches for new student housing at their Woodland Park campus. We went out on a Friday, spent the evening and the next morning getting a download of wants, needs and desires from Andrew for their proposed facilities. He was basically wanting renderings done to communicate the vision to his partners and potential financial supporters.
We generated several alternatives for both student housing as well as a student center, and presented the concepts the following Monday morning. They liked the plans and elevations, and have asked us to proceed, to generate the 3d renderings of three student housing options and one rendering of the proposed student center. When completed in late March, they will take these and put them into a 3d visualization program, so they can be seen on the mountainous site in context with their other campus buildings, and then used by their TV department for fundraising campaigns.
Stay tuned for continued development of this fun project! We’ll keep you posted!!
The Farmstead at the Quarry
We have been silent for a few months, focused on several projects. The largest and most significant of these is the saving of the Anderson Farmstead, utilizing these significant buildings in a development we are calling “The Farmstead at the Quarry”. The Anderson farmstead located north of Midlothian, Texas, was typical of many farming operations from the 20th century. It is however atypical in the character of the historic house and barns. These were magnificent structures, and, while no longer viable as a farmstead operation, with some help they are to be saved, revitalized and repurposed to live again . The house, shown above, was built in 1896 by J. P. Anderson, and was supplemented by an extraordinary barn, as well as another smaller barn and other out buildings.
360grassroots, our non-profit organization, has the opportunity to spearhead this revitalization effort, creating the Farmstead at the Quarry and needs your support. So,
…. If you want to keep our our quality of life, preserving our rural character and heritage, seeing structures like these saved and reused, this message is for you.
…. If you want amenities like: unique restaurants, walking trails, wildflower fields, artisan shops and event spaces, a rural wedding venue, etc., then The Farmstead at the Quarry and this message is for you.
We need your help and support! If you would like to be a part of this revitalization effort, please let us know by using the “contact us” button at the top.
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Preservation or Adaptive Reuse?
Have you ever visited an area that was rich with Historic Preservation? Have you ever visited a cool/hip place that marries history with what is going on today? Two different approaches to vibrant communities, and usually both fun places to visit; just that one is focused on pure preservation and involves philanthropy…. the other is focused on creative adaptive reuse that involves investors and economic revitalization. What is the difference, and what does it mean to you and where you eat, live, and play?
A truth is that just about EVERY place has some history…. according to scientists, as much as billions of years of history. But how much of it do we get to experience today? In this country, not nearly as much as we’d like. We lose buildings and historical places each and every day, usually not because people don’t care, but because there is not a viable plan to save and reuse the buildings, a plan that people are willing to support with funding.
In an ideal world Historians, historical societies or any individual with a passion for history would rather preserve the town or the structure just the way it was originally designed. Unfortunately, that is not a viable solution in many cases. Often, without a philanthropist willing to fully support the preservation, buildings targeted for this endeavor just sit, waiting and waiting, slipping into further disrepair and decay.
An alternative, and often a more practical approach to save historic structures is to find a new use for them, and if necessary, maybe even a new location…. Adaptive Reuse. The needs for some buildings diminish; the needs for a great many others change. Families grow, so they add onto their historic homes, work functions change with the times, and so must the structures that support them. Even such historic buildings as the Sistine Chapel have had to be modified to meet the number of tourists that visit every day.
Such is the dilemma with Anderson Farmstead in Midlothian. Ashgrove Cement owns the farmstead, would like to see it saved, but needs it moved off of their future quarry site. Ashgrove is a great corporate citizen. They have been willing for the last 14 years to donate the buildings and some land for relocation….to save this small portion of Midlothian history.
The local historical society has been involved for the last 7 years trying to save the historic farmstead home and large barn. Unfortunately, they have not been able to secure funding, not even enough to help weatherproof the deteriorating structures. Even today, they are still clutching onto their preservation dream.
360grassroots, a local non-profit focused on economic revitalization of communities, has a plan to save the structures. It includes relocating them onto the Ashgrove-donated land, renovating them to serve new viable uses (see the 95 second movie above), basically saving the structures through an adaptive reuse to live again for all to enjoy. Best of all, 360grassroots has 4 investors who are willing to support this plan….The process of saving these historic structures could begin soon!
Show your support by letting the city leaders and the local historical society know that you support 360grassroots efforts, and want these buildings saved, revitalized and reintroduced into the Midlothian community. Please comment, share or subscribe here on this Living A Repurposed Life page and like us on 360grassroots facebook page. Thank you for your support!
REnew….. A new life for an old school
An amazing reconnection!!! A story of renovation and repurposing, of revitalization and resurrection ….. A second chance at life!!!Years ago we were working on a project where a Pastor purchased an abandoned school and a whole city block in Big Spring, Texas, wanting to renovate and reuse these buildings into their church sanctuary, school, and related functions. Working with Steve and Bridgette at the time was a dear friend and valued associate Tammy. She assisted us in planning the property and redesigning / rebuilding the old gym, turning it into phase 1 of the project for use as the church sanctuary, reception, and classroom spaces. Well, fast forward to this year, and lo and behold Tammy and her husband Randy recently bought an abandoned school, consisting of a high school building, gymnasium and elementary school building, plus 17 acres of property in Athens, Louisiana……Another repurposing project if there ever was one. Their passion and mission in life is to further develop student and professional athletes in a christian atmosphere, focusing mostly on basketball, offering a unique training and development program. They have enlisted us to help them plan and redesign their new complex. They will use the gym for instruction and training, and part of the high school as dorm rooms for extended camps, while renovating the high school cafeteria and kitchen into their personal residence. At this point, their intention for the elementary school is to turn it into a barn for horses, while converting the adjacent baseball field into a roping arena. A new life for an old school……and for a great couple!!
Stay with us over the next several weeks as we work with Tammy and Randy to repurpose this 1950’s school, bringing new life to them and to these buildings, as well as a revitalization push for the surrounding community.
REnew…. Rejuvenation for an 1890 Victorian
This sketch of an 1890 Victorian home depicts the grand character of many, many homes from days gone by. As with all of us, getting opportunities to repurpose our lives, this ol’ beauty is getting a second chance at life and needs much attention. She has been sitting for over 17 years, patiently waiting for her time for rejuvenation…… which appears to be now! Bridgette and Steve have been retained to prepare the renovation / restoration documents for her rebirth, and are excited to be working on such a fun, meaningful project. The owners, Gary and Saralyn, are wonderful people, with a passion to see this home restored and brought back to it’s original glory. They call this home affectionately Lions Walk, and we’ll tell you why as we move forward…. so, stay tuned to upcoming posts as we follow this project to rejuvenation ….. and watch Lions Walk roar again in revitalized glory!!